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Steps Toward Preventing Colorectal Cancer

Steps Toward Preventing Colorectal Cancer

The risk of colorectal cancer increases as we age.  But since it is one of the more treatable cancers, we believe that people should be proactive about preventing the disease to avoid trouble down the road.  The main theme in colorectal cancer prevention is basically...
Foot Care for Diabetics

Foot Care for Diabetics

While it may be unheard of to some, there is a correlation between diabetes and potential foot problems, some most severe such as amputation. According to the American Diabetic Association, diabetes can create numbness in limbs by damaging nerves or limiting the blood...
24 Hour Home Care

24 Hour Home Care

Prevention is the best medicine and heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country.  Therefore, why not be proactive about the prevention of such devastating disease while you can?  While it does not completely prevent you from having heart disease, these...
At-Home Hospice Care

At-Home Hospice Care

Many of those who are using hospice care for their loved one wishes they would have started the service earlier, and many of them realized that they did not receive the full benefits of hospice because of such.  Part of the reason is that the perception of hospice is...
Kidney Health

Kidney Health

Life-Sustaining Role of the Kidneys The kidneys are two, kidney-bean-shaped organs located in your lower back just below your lungs. They function as the “street sweepers” of the body. They filter your blood, remove waste and toxins, and essentially turn the...