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Foot Care for Diabetics

Foot Care for Diabetics

While it may be unheard of to some, there is a correlation between diabetes and potential foot problems, some most severe such as amputation. According to the American Diabetic Association, diabetes can create numbness in limbs by damaging nerves or limiting the blood...
At Home Hospice Care

At Home Hospice Care

For Terminally Ill individuals, the process of dying is completely different nowadays from how it once was in the past. Instead of being an “event” that happens suddenly, the death is becoming more and more of an extended process. This article titled Stages of Grief:...
Dolphin’s Diet Helps Diabetics

Dolphin’s Diet Helps Diabetics

What do dolphins, butter, and Diabetes have in common? By a far stretch, a fatty acid called heptadecanoic acid is the common denominator that links these three completely unrelated things.  A new study led by the National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF) reveals that...