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Foot Care for Diabetics

Foot Care for Diabetics

While it may be unheard of to some, there is a correlation between diabetes and potential foot problems, some most severe such as amputation. According to the American Diabetic Association, diabetes can create numbness in limbs by damaging nerves or limiting the blood...
Driving with Parkinson’s Disease

Driving with Parkinson’s Disease

If you live in Southern California, chances are you are a driver. However, as much of a routine as driving is, a patient with Parkinson’s Disease might not be able to drive with such ease.  Not only does it involve physical ability, but it also has to do with legal...
Benefits of Hospice Care

Benefits of Hospice Care

BENEFITS OF HOSPICE CARE Posted by palosverdesinhomecare in at home care, care at home, care giver, caregiver agency, caregivers, home, home care, hospice care, in home care, Rancho Palos Verdes CA, Rolling Hills CA, San Pedro CA, senior and elderly care, South...
Communication is Important

Communication is Important

Rather than sitting around waiting for your elder parents to age and worrying about their health, it might be wise to be proactive and take actions to make sure they are healthy and living well. Great communication is very important. If there is a concern about their...