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How Home Care Makes Life Easier

How Home Care Makes Life Easier

A-1 Home Care in Los Angeles and Orange County sympathizes with your situation and be assured that you are not alone!  To keep things objective without pointing fingers, try these tips: Don’t hesitate to ask for more support from your siblings. If they can’t be there...
The Importance of Skincare

The Importance of Skincare

Skin cancer is still cancer. Most do not classify it as “important” or even as “cancerous,” however, it is one of the most common cancers today. There are ways to prevent skin cancer such as wearing sunblock and reapplying it, say if you are spending the day at the...
Are Your Brain Cells Burned Out?

Are Your Brain Cells Burned Out?

In a study published in Current Biology, researchers have discovered that Parkinson’s Disease may be caused by an unusually high energy need of brain cells to control movement.  A team of researchers at the University of Montreal theorizes that this “energy crisis”...