Caregiver for Alzheimer

Caregiver for Alzheimer

It is an alarming statistic, six out of ten people with Alzheimer’s will wonder because the individual does not remember his or her name, address, or the route to and from home according to the Alzheimer’s Association.  Leading to disorientation, such wandering can be...
Caregiver Servcie After Surgery

Caregiver Servcie After Surgery

Most of us have very little understanding about what cancer surgery does and the different goals behind various circumstances. So here are a few reasons presented by the Mayo Clinic to help us understand a little more before you may be going under the knife.  If an...
Safety Solutions for Seniors

Safety Solutions for Seniors

Other than earthquakes, wildfire also happens often in Southern California.  While you or your loved ones may not live beside where the wildfire might be happening, the smoke from the fire can easily lower the air quality of surrounding areas and affect the...
The Gift of Life From An Organ Donor

The Gift of Life From An Organ Donor

February 14th is widely known as Valentine’s day.  But did you know it is also National Donor Day?  According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, one organ donor can save up to 8 lives, and can also enhance the lives of many others through tissue...