Veterans all over the world continue to suffer the effects surrounding PTSD. If you know a loved one or other veterans with PTSD, know that you can do something to help ease their pain. Here are some tips that professionals are handing down to us so we can assist them in their recovery process.
PTSD Sufferers Do Not Trust the World
Many veterans will behave out of character. Remember, PTSD alters people in significant ways that can affect their behavior.
Furthermore, it can cause symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks, insomnia, loss of memory, hyper-vigilance, and more. They’ll often feel emotionally numb and essentially cut off from the world. Other times, they’ll become self-destructive or try to numb their pain with alcohol or drugs. It’s important that you pay close attention to their actions and behaviors. Provide them with the support they need to cope. Lend an ear, it might save them from making a poor, and irreversible decision.
Don’t Let Guilt Play a Factor in Their Struggle
You might blame yourself often for the sufferer’s experiences or reactions. Note that the situation is about the other person’s past experiences and his or her struggles. It’s not about you, about whether you’ve been a good parent, friend, brother or sister, or about anything that you have done. Veterans with PTSD often blame themselves for their struggles, so simply just lend a hand or an ear – sometimes it could be the difference-maker you’ve been looking for.
Emphasize “Safety”
You might find yourself saying that the situation that he or she went through wasn’t that bad, or that other people had it worse. Maybe you interrupt or change the subject. Now, while you might be thinking this approach will protect yourself and the person from experiencing the horrific situation they went through, you’re sending a message that veterans with PTSD cannot feel safe discussing their stories or any aspects with you.
Worst of all, you may be adding to their trauma by underscoring their feelings of alienation – further hurting them in the long run.
A-1 Home Care Agency has over 25+ years of experience working with Veterans from all walks of life. Did you know that you could be eligible for thousands of dollars in pension benefits? For more information, check out our veterans aid and attendance page today, or give us a call.