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24 Hour Multiple Sclerosis Care

24 Hour Multiple Sclerosis Care

According to an online news article published by the Medical Xpress, a research team at the National University of Singapore (NUS)conducted a study which revealed a “breakthrough discovery of a new type of immune cells that may help in the development of a future...

Different Approaches in Treating Drug Addiction

Different Approaches in Treating Drug Addiction

Different Approaches in Treating Drug Addiction Posted bypasadenainhomecare June 18, 2013 Leave a commenton Different Approaches in Treating Drug Addiction   There is no simple solution to drug addiction.  From chemical imbalance to behavioral issues to simply...

Benefits of Hospice Care

Benefits of Hospice Care

BENEFITS OF HOSPICE CARE Posted by palosverdesinhomecare in at home care, care at home, care giver, caregiver agency, caregivers, home, home care, hospice care, in home care, Rancho Palos Verdes CA, Rolling Hills CA, San Pedro CA, senior and elderly care, South...

Alternatives to Relieving Stress

Alternatives to Relieving Stress

ALTERNATIVEs TO Relieving Stress Posted by palosverdesinhomecare in at home care, care at home, caregivers, home, home care, in home care, Rancho Palos Verdes CA, Rolling Hills CA, San Pedro CA, Torrance CA and tagged with a-1 home care, care at...

Different Ways of Managing Stress

Different Ways of Managing Stress

Different Ways of Managing StressSeptember 20, 2013Deteriorating health, shrinking retirement funds, and the lack of family time due to their busy schedule are just some of the stress triggers that seniors and elderly around our communities are experiencing. ...

After Surgery Care Options

After Surgery Care Options

When it comes to having to stay in the hospital following a surgery, did you know that the most affordable and diverse hospital care solutions are right up the street? At A-1 Home Care, our friendly caregivers provide after surgery care options for seniors from all...

Caregiver Service After Surgery

Caregiver Service After Surgery

Caregiver Service After Surgery   Millions in this country have suffered back pain, and some more chronic of a problem than others.  It is a difficult problem to deal with, and the pain can interfere with activities from sleeping to ability to work your job. If...