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The Gift of Life From An Organ Donor

The Gift of Life From An Organ Donor

February 14th is widely known as Valentine’s day.  But did you know it is also National Donor Day?  According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, one organ donor can save up to 8 lives, and can also enhance the lives of many others through tissue...

Senior safety tips

Senior safety tips

When seniors have an injury, the consequences might be more serious because of their weakened body.  For a younger person, a fall can be brushed off.  However, for a senior, a simple trip and fall can lead to bone fractures, head trauma, and other injuries.  As a...

The Inevitable Question

The Inevitable Question

What will happen when Mom or Dad can no longer take care of themselves? The inevitable is going to happen.  One day, you will come face-to-face with the decision to take care of your parents.  The question is not “if” you will take care of them; it will be “how.”...

The Throes of Hiring a Caregiver by Word-of-Mouth

The Throes of Hiring a Caregiver by Word-of-Mouth

The most influential type of advertising is through word-of-mouth, but is it always the most trustworthy?  As well-intentioned as your friend or family member may be, their recommendation may not be based on all the facts.  To the extent that they know a caregiver’s...

Senior Online Dating Alert

Senior Online Dating Alert

In view of the rising prevalence of elder abuse, A-1 Home Care addresses one of the top methods that predators use to get to the heart of the elderly: senior dating websites.  Online dating forums are a popular way for scammers to take advantage of the elderly because...

Is It Alzheimer’s or Just Anger?

Is It Alzheimer’s or Just Anger?

You’ve heard the term, “bitter old man.”  No one wants to become that bitter old hag or nag when they grow older, but unresolved conflicts and estranged relationships have a way of creeping back into your life in more ways than one.  After a big fall-out, people tend...

Enhanced Recovery with Laparoscopy Home Care

Enhanced Recovery with Laparoscopy Home Care

Speedy recovery after laparoscopic surgery is important, especially in busy cosmopolitan areas like Los Angeles County where life stops for nobody.  Are you a busy career woman who has to juggle between your family life and professional life?  Are you a single parent...