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Hospice Care in Pasadena

Death is a very sensitive topic, and it is even more so when it affects one of your loved ones. It is, however, a constant in this world, and it must be approached both with care and with professionalism. Things must be arranged and scheduled, such as what belongings...

Insurance Needed for Caregivers

A-1 Home Care Agency can provide Caregivers for short term temporary or long-term ongoing care.  To hire a Caregiver from A-1 Home Care Agency is an affordable and reliable solution to provide care for you and your family. We can work with insurance companies like...

24 Hour Care Givers

Posted bypasadenainhomecare January 10, 2012 Leave a commenton 24 Hour Care Giver Pasadena CA A-1 Home Care has live-in Caregivers, Nurse Aides, Personal Care Assistants, Home Health Aides, Live-in Caregivers, Respite Caregivers and Senior Companions to help you or an...
Sundowner’s Syndrome Symptoms

Sundowner’s Syndrome Symptoms

Some elderly people with Alzheimer’s or Dementia will start showing agitation or restlessness in the late afternoon or early evening.  The cause of this condition isn’t well understood, but there are various symptoms that may indicate your loved one has Sundowner’s...

Leading Home Care Solutions

 Leading Home Care Solutions  When it comes to receiving the leading senior care solutions right here, did you know that the best care giving services in all of Southern California are at your service? At A-1 Home Care, we provide lasting in home care to elders in...