Are Your Brain Cells Burned Out?

Pasadena Lou Gehrig Disease

In a study published in Current Biology, researchers have discovered that Parkinson’s Disease may be caused by an unusually high energy need of brain cells to control movement.  A team of researchers at the University of Montreal theorizes that this “energy crisis” causes cells to overheat and burn out.  About why brain cells are overheating, further research is necessary.  Symptoms of Parkinson’s include involuntary tremors, slurred speech, limited range of motion, and muscular rigidity.  Early symptoms usually begin on one side of the body, and as the disease worsens, the symptoms stay stronger on the same side where it initially started.  Quality in-home care for seniors with Parkinson’s is available throughout Los Angeles and Orange County.

Competent Live-In Parkinson’s Care

No matter what stage of Parkinson’s Disease one may be in, daily chores become increasingly difficult for seniors who try to control their own muscular movements.  Little things like writing, picking up a spoon, going to the restroom, or brushing one’s teeth become tedious.   Losing one’s ability to communicate with friends and family adversely affects one’s most important relationships, causing an emotional disconnect and thereby deepening the depression that’s associated with Parkinson’s.  A-1 Home Care sees to it that your elderly loved one is taken care of emotionally, mentally, and physically.  Family members might not understand what it’s like to have Parkinson’s, but for experienced and compassionate caregivers, Parkinson’s is no stranger.  A-1 Home Care only selects cream-of-the-crop caregivers to care for seniors with this debilitating disease.

Affordable Home Care at Competitive Rates

Licensed, bonded, and insured, A-1 Home Care has been serving families and their loved ones for 24 years and is still going strong, thanks to the attentive, caring, and competent in-home live-in caregivers who treat your elderly loved ones as their own family members.  Our certified nurse assistants and seasoned caregivers are thoroughly screened and verified, providing peace of mind and reassurance for family caregivers who need a break or are unable to be there in person for their elderly loved ones.  We believe that quality elder care should not be compromised or out of reach for anyone; therefore, we offer superior Parkinson’s Care at competitive rates that you can’t find anywhere else.  Long-term insurance and Veteran Benefits are also accepted at A-1 Home Care.

To find a caregiver in your area, call A-1 Home Care (562) 929-8400 or visit us online at for more details.